Things You Should Know Before Creating a Photography Invoice

You will discover many photography enthusiasts that happen to be in professional business of taking photos. In connection with this, there are numerous niches that they could work in. Whichever niche of photography you are targeting, it is actually important that you understand the particulars of creating an invoice. A professional photography invoice can cast a very good impression on the customer and make him satisfied. This could possibly mean much more work for you and quicker payments. A professional photography invoice is required to be really structured, well-written, comprehensive, not missing out on any details and facilitates the reader to obtain a quick idea about the billing.Keeping in mind the need of writing a professional invoice, we have put together a list of suggestions that you may follow to create your own invoice for the next photography job.Things to Consider for Putting Together a Photography InvoiceYou will discover that there are a number of things you need to take into account while creating a photography invoice. In connection with this, a breakdown of tips relevant to developing an invoice is provided below.1. Produce a templateCreating a template and using it for many different clients after making appropriate changes not only quickens the method but it also creates uniformity. A layout can be created on a software like Microsoft Word. While creating the template, just keep in consideration the fact that it really ought to demonstrate the brand and image of your enterprise.2. Remember to Number Your InvoiceThis is one of the most important considerations to be kept in mind with regards to an invoice. This is a unique number that is assigned to each invoice that is delivered. There are various formats for such figures. You would like to decide on a number that could make it easier in order to organize your invoices.3. Mention the Client’s Name & Contact InformationThis is what will add to the detail of your invoice and organizing the invoices for future tracking. This document should definitely consist of the client’s name and address. It makes it simpler for you to organize if you know the person to whom the invoice is addressed. While this point might appear trivial, yet it’s essential in order for you to organize your documents so that they can be tracked easily, down the line.4. Give your Mailing AddressOnce the client has been sent the invoice, he could want to know the address where they can deliver the check. Or perhaps, they could have an interest to visit your office. In either case it is important that you cite the mailing address.5. Consider All the Laws Relating to Financial TransactionsWhile getting the payment, the photography enthusiasts that are new to the profession tend to forget all about the legal side of payments and the tax laws relating to small businesses. It must be taken into account that considering this aspect is essential, simply because it allows you to appear more reliable to your customer. This gives the impression that, if you are considering the whole set of legalities, you are an official body operating within the law which makes the client have more confidence in you.6. Be DetailedEverything that you state in your invoice must be very accurate, complete, to the point and easy to read. Each one of the components is sooner or later going to help the client to get the most out of the invoice. All the details of your commercial fee and other costs must be mentioned and it also has to be warranted by means of receipts. You would probably like your client to take minimal time for looking through the invoice.7. ‘Due Upon Receipt’ ConditionThere are some photography pros who give a deadline to pay within a particular time frame. This enables the client to hold back for some time after which they pay the sum. It will cause delay in the payment. Thus, it is better to add ‘due upon receipt’. This urges your client to pay right away.8. Be aware of clients who still have to payIn the case that your business enterprise thrives and expands, there is going to be a great quantity of new clients and projects coming your path. In the midst of all this, it is really important to manage the many invoices and knowing the clients who still have to pay out. If your client just isn’t going to pay out for longer than fifteen, it’s time to make a considerate and professional reminder to check on the status of your payment.

The Top 5 House Cleaning Mistakes You Should Avoid

We all have our own methods of cleaning our homes. However, most of us might be following a certain process, not knowing there’s an easier, more convenient way that can save us plenty of time and effort. There are also some common house cleaning mistakes you can avoid to make everything more efficient.

Using too much product

Most people think that when it comes to household cleaning products, the more, the better. But that’s not the case at all – using too much chemical can oversaturate your cleaning items like microfiber cloths (they can cause streaks), can give off a lasting and overpowering chemical smell, plus you’ll spend extra time cleaning overspray. Remember, when it comes to cleaning solutions, a little goes a long way.

Using the wrong products and tools for cleaning

One of the most common cleaning mistakes is using the wrong products and tools. Keep in mind that there are specific cleaning solutions for different types of surfaces. If you’re using the wrong cleaning solution, you’re only wasting time as the area you’re working on is not being properly cleaned, plus the incorrect solution can damage parts of your home. For example, vinegar works great for tiles, but can leave permanent scars on stone surfaces.

Using dirty cleaning materials

Sounds ironic, right? But that’s what most of us do. If you’re going to start working with a dirty wash cloth, mop or sponges, then don’t even bother cleaning – you’ll only add and spread dirt, grease and grime around your surfaces, rather than cleaning it.

For the sake of cleanliness and health, always wash your cleaning materials thoroughly after each use. Rinse and freshen up sponges and cloths right before use, even if they’ve been cleaned.

Being unorganized

You don’t want to be rummaging around the house looking for that newly opened bottle of cleaning solution, or going down the basement to get your supplies while you’re cleaning. To save time, keep all your cleaning supplies in one place, preferably in a cabinet with a lock to keep kids safe from chemicals. Place the cabinet near areas in your home that you frequently clean if you can.

Not cleaning regularly

A set cleaning schedule is very important to save time and effort. If you do it weekly, you’ll be able to go through it with a breeze. If you don’t have a set schedule, chances are the chores will start piling up and the work will seem overwhelming… and you’ll put it off again and again!

Just avoid these top 5 house cleaning mistakes and home cleaning will be a breeze!

Anthony Hanson is a home and lifestyle blogger from Chicago. He likes to share his take on the latest in home decor, fashion and modern life in general. He recently launched a lifestyle brand he co-owns, The Velvet Nook.

Charlotte Carpet Cleaning – Benefits Of Hiring Professional Carpet Cleaners

Carpets are typical furnishing in homes and offices. A carpet gets easily noticed as it covers the entire flooring into a room. The beautiful furnishing needs to keep neat and healthy. Floor coverings needs frequent cleaning and care to maintain its aesthetic appeal and cleanliness.

You know the nice look, fresh and crinkle-free carpet the first time you got it. Keeping that same look after some time of getting a lot of foot traffic can be challenging. However, it is possible to keep it close to looking and smelling its original state even after years have passed.

The carpeting get dirt, dust, germs, and even stubborn stains, especially when placed in high foot traffic. Keeping both the appeal and longevity of your matting requires cleaning as often as possible. While vacuum cleaning from time to time may help, it is not enough to keep your carpets clean and looking as good as new for a long time.

You see, cleaning is essential for rugs and mat. How often you would need to clean your carpet will depend on the level of foot traffic. Also considered are the climate or area of its placement and the general level of care and maintenance.

The most crucial purpose of getting the it cleaned by professionals is for health reasons. Maintaining cleanliness is even more beneficial for families with members suffering from any respiratory-related health condition. Also, clean and sanitized flooring benefit children and pets.

Benefits of Professional Charlotte Carpet Cleaning

Health benefit. A healthy home is the first reason to have your carpets cleaned by a professional. Clean air makes your home or office healthier. Professional deep cleaning will improve the quality of the air. Getting your rugs and mats cleaned and disinfected by a professional cleaning company is the best way to protect yourself and your family.

Clean Carpets look great. Cleaner carpets add beauty and elegance to dirtier or worn-out floor coverings. You can find before and after photos of cleaned carpets, and they will blow your mind. Clean carpets have that warm and welcoming look, making the room look nice and neat. Carpets that look clean and fresh are lovely in every way.

Eliminates unpleasant smell. Carpets smell good when new. Eventually, foot traffic and other factors affect the odor of the floor covering. Vacuum cleaning can only clean the upper part of the carpet, and the lower part is not reachable for such equipment not built to clean that deep. Professional carpet cleaners are well equipped to get the cleaning job done. They use a different cleaning method and technique to clean the lower end of the carpet and eliminate the smell.

Carpet stain removal. Stains ruin the look and feel of carpets. They go right into the carpet fabric, which makes cleaning harder. It can be tempting to remove them but doing it the wrong way will only further spread them. Also, using harsh cleaning chemicals will ruin your carpet. Therefore, it’s best to hire an expert in carpet stain removal. While some stains may be adamant about removing, but you can depend on a professional cleaning service to deliver a better result than you.

Prolong carpet life. Most people hesitate to use a professional carpet cleaning service because they think it costs a lot. But consider this, replacing your carpet after a few years will cost more. Aside from basic carpet cleaning, periodic carpet cleaning by a professional is vital to increase the life of your carpet. Opposite to what most people think, professional carpet cleaning does not cost a fortune. If you have the carpets professionally cleaned, you save money as it delays possible carpet change.

5 Tips to Help You Hire the Best House Cleaning Services

After a long tiresome day at work, nobody wants to clean their kitchen and toilets. In this situation, we all want a helping hand. In other words, you can look for a local house cleaner to do all the cleaning for you. This will help you save a lot of time that you can spend taking some rest. In this article, we have shared some tips that will help you hire the best cleaning service. Read on to find out more.

1. Find out about their experience

If you are going to hire a house cleaner for the first time, we suggest that you consider their experience first. Since they will be spending plenty of time inside your house, make sure you look for a trustworthy and reliable professional.

Besides, you also need to find out about their working schedule. After all, you don’t want them to show up when you are having dinner with your family members.

2. Get Referrals

You may also ask your coworkers, neighbors, family, and friends for some recommendations. Similarly, some online resources may also help you check out reviews on a number of service providers. We suggest that you interview at least 3 to 5 cleaning service providers. This will give you a pretty good idea of which service provider you should go with.

3. Interview the Service provider

Don’t forget to have a detailed discussion with your favorite service provider. If you are going to hire a professional through a reputable company, we suggest that you discuss this matter with their representatives. You should ask several questions before signing a contract. Given below are some of the major questions you must ask:

How much experience do they have in this department?

Who is going to handle the cleaning supplies?

What type of supplies will they use?

Do they offer a guarantee on their services?

Do they have an insurance policy?

How much do they charge for their services?

Do they charge by the hour or have a fixed price?

Can they offer references to their previous clients?

4. Do a Background Check

You may want to do a background check on your desired service provider. Did you find out if the cleaners are responsible and trustworthy? If you are going to work with the company, do your homework to make sure that the company performs background checks before hiring new employees.

In the case of commercial cleaners, you may want to ask them to produce their license. In most cases, residential cleaners are not required to have a specific license to offer their services.

5. Define Your Agreement

After you have hired a service provider, you may want to define the agreement. This document will provide details about their services, cost, number of rooms, items, and floors they will clean. Make sure that the agreement provides even tiny details. The idea is to make sure that you don’t have a dispute with the service provider once the job is done.

Long story short, we suggest that you try these steps if you want to hire the best house cleaner to cover your needs.

If you are looking for a good home service app, you can check out Boots and Ladders. This platform can help you hire your desired professional in a few minutes.

The Importance Of Branding For Your Business: 6 Top Benefits of Branding

What is the importance of branding your business? In short branding helps a business create an identity among it’s customers. People come to know and like a business often on first impressions. Having a consistent branded image through company logo, name and signage etc helps build an image of trust and professionalism when done correctly.

The Main Benefits of Branding are;

1. It Creates Emotion

Branding helps to engage your customers on an emotional level for the products you sell. Brands such as Nike and Disney have been capitalizing on branding for decades and it has been essential to building a relationship with their customers.

2. It Helps You Launch Further Products or Services

Building a Brand name for one group of products will benefit other products you launch later on.Your customer will recognize your company and be more likely to try the new products as they already know who you are. The importance of branding is that it helps to prolong and compliment your current and future business growth.

3. It Helps your Bottom Line

Effective branding builds repeat customers through trust and recognition which in turn improves your business sales revenue. A great example of this is Tiffany’s: their little blue box branding creates want and need (and headaches for husbands everywhere). They can price accordingly because no matter what customers will still buy it due to the brand.

4. It Reduces Future Marketing Costs

When your brand is recognizable your marketing costs may be reduced with repeat customers. Ongoing marketing campaigns may not need to be as intense or as expensive when launching a new product or service.

5. Create Top of Mind Awareness

Anytime a person goes shopping, they try to recall the popular brands for the products or services they need. Good branding creates an impression that will stay with your customer when they are making a purchase. People tend to stick to the brands they know, love and trust.

6. It Separates You From Your Competition

You probably have several rivals in your market and so you need to stand out from them. Once again the importance of branding can be acknowledged as helping you to express how and why you are different from your competitors.

The importance of branding becomes apparent when customers start picking your brand over others in the market. Your brand should build trust, earn respect and become your customers “go to’ product. Obtaining favor over the competing brands is a characteristic of success for any business.

The importance of branding and how it affects your business is remarkable enough to consider investing time and money in. You will be able to find many business consultants work in this area and will help you to implement business branding methods to ensure your success.

Work Management Success: It’s All About People

Finding a better way to get work done is not about technology, it’s all about people.Regardless of the project management software you use, technology tends to treat people more like raw materials managers can push around a time-line like pawns on a chess board. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a firm believer in project software–I’m just suggesting that it’s the people making up project teams that are actually responsible for getting work done. Software doesn’t write any code, manufacture any product, or create anything new people do.For example, if your definition of resource management or capacity planning stops at dropping names or job roles on the time-line of an interactive Gantt chart, maybe you should take a step back and reconsider. The “manager” in project manager implies something more than managing process. I believe there is a mandate to manage the people who are involved in that process.I’ll admit, “resource management” and “capacity planning” might not be the best words to use, but to be fair, project management has evolved into a highly technical discipline and therefore employs impersonal and technical terminology. In fact, I recently had a coworker who was reading something I had written ask, “What does resource management really mean? Are you talking about human resources, raw materials, or something else?”His point was well taken. I spent a few extra minutes and more clearly defined what I was talking about. (Although I haven’t been able to come up with a better name for it yet either.)Matching the talents of individual team members with their assigned tasks and responsibilities is something that software can’t do on its own. Which is why software will never replace the project manager. He or she is the one who knows the team and their individual strengths and weaknesses. Successful managers know how to leverage the “people” on the team to create the most desired outcome.In the future, the project management software that is most successful at helping managers do this, will have a real impact on facilitating successful project based work.Project Success Has More to do with People than TechnologyMost of the project managers I speak with on a regular basis are highly technical and process-driven individuals. Both are great qualities for managing projects. However, those who seem to rise to the top also understand that there is something more to successful work management than the technology used or the process employed.As the technology incorporated within business work management software continues to improve and automate many of the tasks project managers once had to perform manually, the role of project managers is starting to change. The ability to roll up the sleeves and more effectively interact with individual team members is making some managers very effective at facilitating collaboration and eliminating the impediments faced by project teams. I see this as a trend that has the potential to reduce the project failure rate and directly impact an organization’s bottom-line.To facilitate this, project managers need to make sure they have a couple of things nailed down:1. They need a thorough understanding of their process and how to best use project management tools to successfully execute that process. PPM software has the ability to automate much of the data collection and reporting requirements of project management and should make it easier for managers and teams in that regard. If it is forcing double entry or encumbers the process, it might not be the right solution for your organization.2. Managers need to have exceptional people skills. A command-and-control management style is not the most effective way to lead a project team. It’s becoming more and more critical that project managers encourage collaborative communication to drive success. Successful teams are where the rubber hits the road. Project success has more to do with people than technology.What do you see within your organization? Are you seeing these trends?

Do You Know How To Internet Market?

Would you agree that network marketing these days go hand in hand with internet marketing? If you do agree and I believe it’s true, then why is it for the vast majority of people in network marketing have very little, if any knowledge about how to internet market their opportunity?I think the answer to that question is the industry has let us network marketers down when it comes to internet marketing. Plain and simple most of us don’t know how to do it. Most are just out there trying SOMETHING. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and maybe even LinkedIn have been the big kahuna’s as far as marketing online via social media. Don’t get me wrong, SOME have had success, but MOST… NOT! My own little research has found MOST networkers who have used those platforms have had little success recruiting people into their opportunities. Again notice I said MOST. Not all. And if you’re one of those few who’ve had success… Fantastic! Disregard this article. I’m speaking of the vast majority.I was as excited as the next guy or gal back in the day, when my sponsor showed me how the internet was going to change how we recruited people. As a matter of fact, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that I would never have to do another personal presentation or home meeting.But what ended up happening is the internet made a way to spread the word about our opportunity to thousands or even millions, and the industry embraced it, but forgot to teach us how to spread the word. I know, I know it’s not the company’s responsibility to teach you how to market. But what about that new person you sign up who desperately just wants to make extra money to make ends meet? And doesn’t know how? Falls on you doesn’t it? But what if you don’t know? Then what? Your upline?So what we have is a bunch of network marketers trying Facebook, trying YouTube, trying Instagram, etc. But there’s no clear blueprint on how to internet market your networking opportunity.So here is my attempt to pass along a little of what I’ve learned. Mind you, I’m not the gospel according to making six figures a month or anything, but I do know a thing or two that can help coachable network marketers promote their business opportunity online.Okay let’s start with what all of us need most in network marketing… LEADS! We need to learn how to create our own FRESH responsive prospects who end up chasing us about our opportunity and not the other way around.How do you do that? I know I’ve written about this before and might sound like a broken record to those of you who have read my business announcements here. But maybe I’ll explain it differently so you don’t say, “Here he goes again!”Wouldn’t you agree that it’s safe to say that people like yourself have invested (notice I didn’t say spent) anywhere from $50-$500 enrolling into their opportunity? So you are a proven buyer. Then there are all the other necessities to run your business like buying the product automatically every month, your company’s website, advertising, etc. Again… you’re a proven buyer.So if people are proven buyers, you need to go where they are. These people known as network marketers are your TARGET Market. They have proven that they will spend money on their business and they are actively trying to promote their business online. If you put the right offer in front of them they’ll probably become members in your downline or buy your product and become a customer.Facebook?Your friends there don’t want to know about network marketing. But the networkers in MLM Facebook groups do. DO NOT market your opportunity to them though. Quit pitching them! They already have an opportunity. Show them how you can help THEIR business. Trust me, you do that and they’ll know you have your stuff together and eventually will be curious about what you’re doing. Then they’ll chase you.Network marketers are open to learning how you might be able to teach them how to internet market. So advertise online how you can help them in network marketing ezines, write articles in, grab some PLR (Private Label Rights) material on internet marketing and make it into an eBook on how to do internet marketing. Create a blog that gives them the kind of valuable content that teaches them how to market their business online.In summary, do this:
Step 1: Find Network Marketers (MLM Genealogy Lists)
Step 2: Send a good sales message to email addresses of MLM Genealogy Lists
Step 3: Take phone numbers from MLM genealogy lists and use a company called to send your marketing message to 100′s- 1000′s at a time.
Step 4: Follow-up with prospects that are now emailing you and calling you back to find out what your message is all about.
Step 5: Share valuable how-to internet marketing content via your own blog, social media, articles, blog commenting, network marketing forums, etc.
Step 6: Close prospects (Are you in? or Are You Out? Don’t sell!)
Follow these steps and you will make a change in your business for sure.

Success Factors in a Global Network Marketing Business

Success FactorsHow to Discover the Love, Innovation and the Entrepreneurial Fitness Required in a Global Network Marketing BusinessForwardTo everyone that is doubtful of hope – this is for you!Let’s begin. A few short weeks ago, unbeknownst to me, I had the privilege of meeting someone on an airplane bound for Adelaide, Australia; who would lead me onto an exciting path of discovery. We momentarily chatted at the back of the aeroplane on my way back from Nadi, Fiji; in a chance meeting in which I would say ‘yes’, I would like to hear more about the business model that had established her recent financial freedom and success (more to come on this encounter with an interview in the later chapters).Eager to progress my knowledge, I spent the next 4 weeks researching the industry, the organisation, the people behind it and the sequences and processes to their wealth. The learning curve was exponential – and this is my reflection. At this point in time, I was coincidentally completing my final MBA capstone research project in Adelaide, so I took the opportunity to research her discussion with me in depth and convey the message across to my followers from an Australian scholarly point of view. I had no idea about the industry, albeit little rumours here and there to complement my somewhat biased and disappointing initial online research. I found nothing positive but like an underworld that nobody truly knew about – it intrigued me because I felt that something was right.The bastion for wealth had its scent in the air. This could be its last refuge – I thought. I had to form an immediate action drill to advance a pincer movement onto this burgeoning interest. It was now or never. I wasn’t sure if it was the timing or the opportunity – the right thing to do though was to jump first and ask questions later. This is the later part of that quick equation that transpired in my entrepreneurial mind. This educative curiosity from an Australian scholarly perspective is now alive in the words that you will feel and as we go through the journey together; towards health, wealth, a great life with grand relationships and most importantly learning about the chances to glow youthfully throughout the adventure. This enlightenment was my beginning into a new and evolving industry. A new road was carved and you may feel the moments morph around your own personal experiences or fantasies. I dived immediately into the books and into the school library; the search for the golden nugget had begun. Line by line, word for word, dissecting the information and honouring the objections with gratitude. My hope is that this communicated knowledge helps novice beginners similar to myself, take that intriguing next step towards calculated risk taking, growth and most importantly, self-discovery through the facts.I hope that you gain some business value in my research and that this value inspires you to create your own decisions when the time comes for you to approach your own destiny!In Gratitude and Thanks.David.Chapter 1Introduction to Network MarketingNetwork marketing, multi-level marketing, direct sales, referral marketing, pyramid selling etc, the names are endless. For the purpose of simplification we will adhere to this business model simply as network marketing for ease of navigation, and understanding throughout the book. All of these names; simply exemplifies a unique marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the revenue of the network company is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the company’s products or services. Pretty simple system – just made complicated to confuse the novice beginner like myself.1.1 History – How Did It Start?By accident to be honest. This is how the story goes and it all starts with an ingenuous idea conceptualised in 1930 by a man called Carl Rehnborg. Carl was an American businessman who lived in China between 1917 to 1927. Carl observed the benefits of using supplements in a diet that could be beneficial to a human beings health. According to Amway publications, Carl’s study became the ‘ample opportunity to observe at close range the effects of an inadequate diet’. With the knowledge he attained in the nutritional literature, he then started to envision a dietary supplement that would assist proper body functioning in any sort of diet. Carl then decided to go back to America to start his own company out of his learnings in China. He founded his company called The California Vitamin Company. In 1939, he renamed the company to Nutrilite. Carl utilised his friends to sell the vitamins but things initially looked disappointing. The vitamins were piling up on the shelves, unused and forgotten. It was heartbreaking for Carl. Until an idea lit up in his mind, to develop a kind of selling by informing people about the product. He shared the vitamins to more of his friends, to the friends of his friends and so on. You can see where this is going right? Alas – network marketing was born!The business model grew further when Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos became the distributors of Carl’s products. The three noticed a phenomenal increase in sales. KABOOM… !! Network marketing was unleashed into the world. They later set up a competing company (because competition is good in a capitalistic economy) called Amway and they also bought a controlling interest in Nutrilite in 1972. In 1994, Amway took over full ownership and is one of the largest network marketing companies in the world today.1.2 How Do They Get Paid?As the business world innovates and disrupts, network marketing compensation plans evolve to attract new recruits and customers. It is a very simple strategy for expansion to capitalise on the available market share. It is different for every network marketing company just as there are different salaries for different corporations. However the most common is the commission based on the two revenue streams. The first stream of compensation can be paid out from commissions of product sales. The second stream of compensation can be paid out from commissions based on recruiting similar minded distributors. The amount of compensation varies between network marketing companies. I would have to study every single company in the world to understand this – alternatively I can study the success stories because success always leaves hints – in the results.Chapter 2Demographic ExamplesLet’s look at some quick examples of the people who have seen the opportunity and taken the leap. Here we witness the amazing stories of different individuals who have tasted the recent fruit of success in network marketing – becoming phenomenally wealthy.2.1 TeacherSarah Robbins always dreamed to become a teacher. So she became one. She thought she could now have all that she wanted with a limitless appetite for continuous personal growth and development. However, the economy stumped in the US of A, challenging her thoughts on the economy.She had heard of the Rodan & Fields products. She then decided to join so she could earn an extra income and expand her personal development at the same time. Unexpectedly, with her initial goal to earn just a bit of extra income, she earned more than she thought, even more as a teacher. Her career in network marketing grew and she decided to focus on it rather than her teaching career. She was earning six figures at a very young age. She joined the millionaires club and becoming the first distributor to be inducted into the Rodan & Fields Hall of Fame. Sarah continues to educate people on the benefits of network marketing and benefits of its wealth through her unique educational style.2.2 WriterEric Worre, an ordinary writer spent 30 years working in network marketing once he saw the light. He spent most of his 30 years as a distributor and eventually became the president of his own networking company – The People’s Network. He then decided to retire as a distributor and continued his journey in network marketing as a coach and helped network marketing novices, organizing sales presentations. He then wrote ‘Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional’ in 2013, to reach and educate more network marketing aspirants. It has sold more than 1.5 million copies and has been on six best-sellers lists on Amazon.2.3 Single MotherDonna Johnson is an example of a network marketing miracle. A single mum who did not have anything before she started in network marketing. No college degree – just an ordinary swimming coach in a little American town. With her determination to succeed, she now earns more than $1 million per year and is the leader in one of the top network marketing companies, Arbonne. She is now one of the biggest earners in network marketing and has a bed and breakfast business in Jamaica amongst other entrepreneurial ventures.2.4 Government WorkerRebecca Simon is a modest mother who was brought up in one of Adelaide’s toughest suburbs. She recollects how she would travel to work every day and sit at an uninspiring desk job, knowing deep down inside that she was capable of more. Today she is building her own resort on an exotic south pacific Island – just three years after she started in network marketing. More on Rebecca’s inspirational story later on in the book.Chapter 3The Feminine Revolution40 years ago, when the empowerment of women took off, many loved their new found independence and the opportunity to dress in a suit and drive off to a esteemed corner office. Things have changed a lot since the 70s and 80s, today she is just as happy to pull on comfortable yoga pants and skip the travel to the office altogether. Instead of tolerating negative office stigma and glass ceilings, modern women are heading towards the unique opportunity to be their own CEO, have control with no limits on their annual income. Some other reasons why network marketing industry is proving to be amazing for the ladies are:Drum roll…
3.1 Work – Life BalanceBeing burnt out today is no longer the exception, it is the norm. People have to put up with inflation, rising food prices, cost of living, raise families and commute sometimes for hours to get to, and back from work. The amount of work to be taken home is also increasing, teachers working to plan their workloads weeks in advance and project managers working extended hours to launch projects on time. You have heard it before and again, the balance has gone out of whack but some refuse to accept the truth.3.2 EnvironmentMost career women have worked in team environments and enjoy the collaborative and interpersonal communication that goes with it. It is no surprise that the network marketing industry has exactly that and for most women joining the industry, it is this support and collaboration that they miss the most from a usual 9am to 5pm, sit in the corner and do your work routine.3.3 Choice to ChooseNetwork marketing gives women the freedom to choose who they would like to work with as business partners. They choose who they recruit, who they work with and who they would rather not. This choice to choose is empowering and exciting at the same time for women in the industry.3.4 Global Empire at Your FingertipsYou drive around cities and towns nowadays and still see the for lease sign up again at the shop that closed around the corner. You wonder why some businesses prefer the old way of doing businesses in a time where digital disruption is taking stores online. The brilliance of network marketing is that apart from an initial modest start-up fee, there are no overheads, no garages for stock keeping, accountants, legal advisers, etc, you get the idea. The brilliance with network marketing is that most if not all the work can be done from your mobile phone or laptop computer. Your store is online!3.5 Cool Rewards and IncentivesThere are hardly any places left in the world where a large corporation hosts large global events that also reward women for trips, cars, gifts, holidays etc, all whilst developing women business capabilities and personal development. Name a lady who doesn’t like to be pampered from time to time with absolute luxury?3.6 Glass CeilingWith 82 percent of the network marketing industry made up of women, more and more are rising to the top, claiming multi-six- and seven-figure annual incomes. The world is your oyster in this industry for women and those that grasp the opportunity are confirmed with a gift, and if utilised, become extremely wealthy. No glass ceiling in the industry. Effort equals reward!3.7 Freedom of TimeLet’s face it, we all need more freedom, money and time. Where else can you get that? In the industry business partners are told to work at least 2 hours per day to grow their businesses. That’s an average of 8 hours from Monday to Friday. If done correctly this is all one needs to sustain a healthy and wealthy lifestyle from passive income brought in by the industry. Freedom has the allure to pull and no one will ever say no to an opportunity to get more!And, finally, perhaps the most important reason of all…
3.8 AuthenticityThe network marketing business model thrives on the values of femininity such as nurturing support, collaboration, and authenticity – all of which are inherently feminine traits that are easily transferrable into the business model. The more women show up as their natural caring selves, the more successful they become in developing long term substantial relationships in growing their teams and customer base.Chapter 4The Meek Shall Inherit the EarthThe worlds middle class is becoming much larger, the worlds education system is being made more accessible and demographics from the poorest suburbs on the planet have made that extraordinary leap from third world country struggle – to developed world multi-millionaire. Let’s have a look at some examples.4.1 The Gift of AdversityStudies and research have proven time and time again that those from minority, ethnic or migrant backgrounds go that extra mile to achieve their goals in life; if given a small and fair chance to give an opportunity a ago. With that attitude and hunger in network marketing, most if not all, go on to become extraordinary wealthy, becoming multi-millionaires and leaders. There is just something magical, mystical, unknown and empowering about enduring as an underdog from one of those aforementioned backgrounds. Turning adversity and challenges on its head can be the source of generational wealth for years and years to come. Let’s research an example of a network marketing company that is capturing this driven demographic.4.2 KyaniKyani is a global network marketing giant who has successfully positioned itself for global dominance in developing countries to assist the worlds growing middle class. A new starter but safely past the initial 10 year start up survival phase, and rapidly expanding into some 60 plus different countries over the short space of time, Kyani doesn’t limit its sales in developed economies but has strategically given interest to the worlds developing nations such as Honduras, Guatemala, Kazakhstan and Slovakia to name a few. You only have to grab a copy of Kyanis annual network marketing magazine to see proof of the overflow of the minority demographics from countries such as Korea, Turkey, Hungary and the Philippines who are being inducted into the 7 figure salary clubs. Most had disadvantaged starts in life and were from the ordinary occupations such as soldiers, hairdressers and tradesman.Let’s look at some life examples.4.3 Les BrownAfrican American global inspirational speaker, Les Brown didn’t have the best start in life. In fact it was horrible. However, he turned that pain around and become an inspirational example of hope for the world. Les Brown often refers to another historic global icon Ralph Waldo Emerson in his speeches who coined today’s existence as the ‘age of self-reliance’. Les Brown champions unorthodox underdog mental motivation and entrepreneurship – qualities that are found in those that are from minority, migrant and ethnic backgrounds.4.4 Robert KiyosakiFrom a military and Japanese Hawaiian background – Robert Kiyosaki, the award winning Rich Dad, Poor Dad writer; has proven that network marketing success and wealth is not reserved for any demographic. Success can be achieved by anyone, and from any background.Chapter 5Global Icons in Network MarketingNow, let’s look at some well-known global figures who have aligned their businesses with the network marketing industry.5.1 Warren BuffettThe man needs no introduction as a philanthropist and investor and usually sits in the top 3 of the richest people on the planet. He is valued at nearly 70 billion USD and owns Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire Hathaway owns three network marketing companies, Kirby, World Book and the Pampered Chef. To this day Warren Buffett calls purchasing these network marketing companies – the best purchase he has ever made!5.2 Richard BransonA man that also requires no introduction. One small branch of the Virgin Group that often goes unmentioned is Vie at Home, a network marketing company formerly known as Virgin Vie. Vie at Home made over $60 million of profit in its – first year maiden of existence! Ouch!5.3 Donald TrumpYes, no political affiliations here but when asked on the David Letterman show: What would you do if you lost everything and had to start over from scratch? Trump replied – “I would find a good network marketing company and get to work”.5.4 Bill ClintonIn 1997, Bill Clinton endorsed network marketing in his remarks to the Direct Selling Association. President Clinton stated that ‘You strengthen our country and our economy not just by striving for your own success but by offering opportunity to others… Your industry gives people the chance, after all, to make the most of their own lives and to me that’s the heart of the American dream’.5.5 Jim RohnOne of the worlds pioneers in personal development and network marketing. Today remains one of the founding fathers of the personal and professional development movement and mentored motivational leaders like Tony Robbins. Jim Rohn found the light and opportunity within the network marketing industry and within 6 years – turned his fortunes around to become extraordinarily wealthy, by the age of 32.Chapter 6SummaryWith our brief history and introduction lesson complete, we will go from a beginner to more advanced network marketing challengers and the strategies that will equip the beginner early in the journey. We will unearth deep scholarly research to help structure your leadership for both, the local and the rising global markets.This Australian scholarly research will include vital business concepts that have been proven to increase the chances of success by leveraging both digital and offline mediums. As a bonus and later on in the book; the author personally will outline how his global and MBA experience has helped him in the industry.I sincerely hope that this book adds insurmountable value to your life, those around you and most importantly, your bright future.Thank You.AboutDavd was born in Fiji. At 20 years of age he enlisted into the British Army at Stoke on Trent in England. He served all over the world for a decade as an engineer and team leader. Some of his postings included Germany, Bosnia Herzegovina, Cyprus, Australia and Afghanistan. He moved into civilian life in Australia on May 22, 2012 and rose quickly through the civilian and public service leadership ranks. He graduates in November, 2018 with an MBA degree from Torrens University Australia and lives in Adelaide.

Evaluating Your Business For Sale

What is the value of your business? Ask three expert evaluators to come up with a value and there is a good chance they will come up with three numbers that are not close to one another. What is an owner to do when faced with this dilemma?

How did the experts determine the value and why did their final number vary from one another. The reason is simple enough. There are subjective elements to every business evaluation. Each of these experts put a value on the subjective elements that goes along with their personal experience with the business that is being evaluated. This will account for their differences in value. Most business people if they really did get three appraisals would take the highest one and be done with it.

What is needed to make an evaluation

What do the evaluators need in order to come up with a business evaluation? They need access to all of the financial records of the company. They need an inventory list and value based on whatever method is used to get this number. It is usually first in first out prices or last in last out prices. Both are valid means to value an inventory. Projected sales figures and profit can be used to add some value for the future to a present day value. They will also speak to employees, suppliers and competitors to see how they think the company is doing. They will look at what similar businesses have sold for in the last couple of years and at the state of the present economy. These evaluations will always be based on old information and with an ingredient of future prospects. It is this amalgamation of the old and the possible that causes the range of values from different experts.

Every evaluation needs to be heavily weighted to with future numbers or the price will be set to low. It has to take into consideration the prospects for the company and its future business.

With all of these numbers, the professional will use different methods to come up with a price After this is done, the numbers are looked at and a judgment is made as to what one seems to be the most correct. Again this is a subjective decision.

Comparisons of prior sales in the industry

What have other businesses in the same industry sold for and how do they compare with the business that the evaluation is being done on. This information is very helpful and should make the evaluation a little more realistic. These sales comps will set the tone for how other businesses were rated as to their sales and the selling price It should help in setting an asking price that represents the current value of the company.

Where will the company be in three years

Looking at the growth curve of the business and assuming a similar rate of growth in the future, one could come up with where the company will be in three years. If the growth has been stable for a number of years, there is every reason to think it will continue at a similar rate if no drastic changes are made and the customer base continues to grow. With this in mind, the price of the business should take this future outlook into account.

When this is explained to the buyer, then it must be validated with facts and figures that his advisors can peruse. A well-documented presentation will go along way in alleviating doubts and questions about how you came up with your numbers and the asking price.

Intangible factors to be considered

There are some factors that enter into the evaluation of a business that cannot be reduced to shear numbers and accounting sheets. If the business being evaluated has a significant standing in the industry then this is worth something in the price. If they get a large percentage of the available business that is a plus factor for the business. If its reputation is impeccable then that is another factor that is difficult to put into accounting terms. All of these intangibles when added together make the company more valuable than it would seem to be from just the financials. This is why it is important to investigate and questions others about the company. If the business is the result of one strong individual who will not be there when it is sold, then that could present a problem that could be difficult to overcome. Be very careful about this kind of business.

Intangible assets such as these are hard to put a number on unlike the hard assets of the company. Equipment can be valued at a depreciated value, which could then be used to set a foundation for the final price.

Is there going to be an ongoing need for your business

This one question when answered will help with the question of should you buy the business. A plumbing company will always be needed in our civilization. As will an electrical company. A drywall company will probably always be able to find work. Is the business you are thinking of buying a company like one of these or could its business be done away with without any harm. If the business will always be in demand that is a very strong reason to consider its purchase.

Are there high tech innovations that are going to change the business and you have the expertise to make the change. If this were the case, then you would have a leg up on other businesses like yours. These are considerations with profound affects upon whether you should become the owner of not. If you are able to bring the business into the modern age and take advantage of the new technology then you could make the business grow far beyond what it is today. This is the kind of opportunity that every buyer is looking for and few find.


It is highly suggested that a seller bring in a certified business broker to help with the evaluation, the presentation materials and the finding of prospective buyers for the business. Since this is their business then this is something they usually can do far better than a seller can do it. The broker can help a great deal in the negotiations and the final stages of the sale. They have a vested interest in seeing the business sale go through. The most important thing that they can help with is developing the asking price. After helping to set the price they can come up with justification that will stand the eagle eye of the buyers financial experts. This creditable price is the basis for all other negotiations.

The expert business broker can smooth things along and keep the ball rolling in the move to make the sale. Their knowledge and experience can stop delays from happening and their damaging effects. When negotiations stall, then the sale is in jeopardy. This should be avoided if at all possible.

Bringing in the pro solves so many problems and can lead to a successful sale that is completed quickly and at a decent price. Their value cannot be overstated in a business sale.

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